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Author Topic: New Lone Wolf All-in-one pedal coming - the Boogieman  (Read 2876 times)


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    • Bob at Soundclick
New Lone Wolf All-in-one pedal coming - the Boogieman
« on: October 12, 2015, 04:23:00 PM »
They're putting the Harp Break, Delay and Tone+ pedals into one box.  I think it will also have DI box features (I've never been clear on what that is, except that it's helpful for playing live).  It will only have a high-z input, if you use a low-z mic you'll still need your adapter.  No word on the price, but if you bought these separately, it would be around $500, I think. 

Greg Heumann also has a new mic, the Bulletini, which uses his own custom element.  If you have trouble cupping a Green Bullet (I do), this may help.  $189, IIRC.


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Re: New Lone Wolf All-in-one pedal coming - the Boogieman
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2015, 06:26:28 PM »
This sounds like a worthy project from Randy. Hopefully all three modules can be activated or deactivated individually, if desired.
DI allows a digital hi-Z unbalanced signal to be routed to a low-Z balanced microphone input on a PA.

For the tech-hungry:
*Hi-Z and low-Z are abbreviations for high or low impedance.
*Vintage harp mics are often high impedance (as are guitars) - modern vocal mics are usually low impedance. Low is better from a quality point of view - but there's something about the sound of a hi-Z vintage mic which can't be faithfully reproduced any other way.
*Guitar amps typically have hi-Z inputs, PA systems typically have low-Z inputs.
*Some devices (certain harmonica pedals, for example) perform impedance-matching for you, so that you can get the best from your gear. These are an excellent solution.
*Impedance-matching Transformers are also available which can convert from high to low or low to high. These transformers are typically inexpensive and are most often used to step up the impedance so you could better match a vocal mic to a guitar amp, for example.

Click here for an article about microphone impedance

